Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gain for the Month

Well, I gained for the second month in the row. The scale went from 199 to 202. It's been a challenging couple of months and I know exactly how I gained those pounds back. It's not rocket science. Ice cream, potato chips, cheeseburgers, onion rings, M&M's, Hot Tamales and liquor. That's how you gain 3 pounds back. Ugh! I know my portion sizes are out of control and my food choices have been less than stellar. Exercise has been non-existent. These are all the steps you take to gain weight. I've got that figured out.

I was hesitant to get a fill because I have been so tight in the morning, but I realize that my unencumbered eating the rest of the day has got to stop. So I decided to take a chance on getting filled--worst case scenario I suppose I need to get unfilled and tweak things the opposite direction. But the fact that I was able to stuff down a bacon cheese burger with half the bun and most of breaded onion rings with 3 mixed drinks last Friday night tells me that I can eat way too much. So I have an appointment for a fill on June 16. In the mean time hopefully I can try to behave myself. What a battle!

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