Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm Severely Obese! Woohoo!

Yes, I know that's nothing to cheer for...being severely obese, but with my latest weight loss I am in a new BMI bracket. I am officially out of Morbid Obesity and I am now just simply Severely Obese with a BMI of 39.9. (Yeah, yeah I know that some of you follow other BMI charts and calculations--I am using the one my doctor's office uses, so while these may not be your numbers, they are mine and I am sticking to them!)

So now it's a matter of going from Severely Obese to just plain old Obese. That's about 3o+ pounds away. Then another 30 to Overweight land. Small goals, small steps will add up. Just another cheer leading session for myself, keep on going!


  1. Hmmmm, welcome to the club....I think!

  2. I am actually happy for you. I took more pride in moving from the different levels of BMI. I got into Overweight. My first goal also was 10% of my weight and the next 20%. You're on your way to health. Yah!!!

    Love the new blog design.

  3. That is so awesome!! Congratulations!! :) You are making great progress!!

  4. It's true... the little bits add up... your patience will pay off BIG (or little...)!
