Monday, January 11, 2010

New Number and Watching Others

Well, the scale finally budged...down to 267 and it "only' took a week! But I have officially lost 10 pounds since surgery or an average of about 2.5 pounds per week. I have lost a total of 36 pounds since I started this process. That last pound took a lot of doing, but I finally dropped it. Yippee! I hope the rest aren't that stubborn! Had to be water weight, because it sure wasn't based on my calorie intake.

I had an interesting moment of clarity today. I was at a work meeting, where we had potluck for lunch. I did awesome, I had a small portion of meat and a small portion of green beans and I was done. In the mean time it gave me a chance to watch other people fill their plate, then fill it again and then go back for dessert. That would have been the old me, stuffing myself. Instead, it was good to know I choose a good portion size, got my protein and was able to walk away without drawing much attention to what I had on my plate. It was a great feeling to know I had the ability to get through that kind of situation.


  1. Potlucks can be challenging sounds like you did GREAT!! Isn't it crazy to think of what we would have eaten prior to the lap band? At a situation like that?

  2. That's great Cheryl! I remember the many potlucks we had at work & it can really be hard to resist over eating. You did great!
