Tuesday, July 13, 2010

66...Moving Down the Road So To Speak

I'm going to wax poetic in my blog tonight. I was pleased to see 237 on the scale today, my walking must be working. So that brings my total loss to 66 pounds. So as I was thinking about something to write I thought about good old route 66 and the message that came to mind was that sometimes we need to slow down and take a different path in life and enjoy the view. I think I am slowly learning to appreciate that small changes in direction can eventually lead to great progress.

I am still having a lot of issues with body image and letting the numbers and facts and figures all catch up with me. For instance the other day I was wearing a new pair of capri's that I bought this summer and I was thinking that they were already too big. I think I am afraid to buy the smaller size...well, not afraid, but I just keep thinking that I always used to buy stuff with the thought that I would rather buy it a little big, because I would either shrink it in the wash or I would gain weight eventually and it would be tight. Now, I think I need to shop one size smaller with the idea that my weight will decrease, not increase. That's a lot to wrap my head around, especially as I get closer to wearing a size 18--a size that isn't in the 20's is so far from my frame of reference, I think I just don't believe it could be true. Lots of head work to go with the body work.


  1. Congrats! I struggle to get rid of the clothes I shrunk out of even though I don't plan on needing them again... Unconciously, I must feel like I will be bigger again... just like every other time, But I won't! I ain't going back there... again, ever! *Maria*-Blogger from "This one time at Band Camp..." Check out my blog at mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com

  2. Congrats on being 66lbs down! That is awesome! Its amazing how we can expect to be bigger but when loosing its hard to grasp. Well grasp it lady cause you are doing it and doing it well.

  3. 66 lbs lost is so amazing and I am so proud of you. I have had the same issues as you when it comes to clothing, but you will get past it and you will love the freedom it gives you! I am always buying 1 size smaller now and it is an amazing feeling!!

  4. OMG! I hit 66 lbs. down today too! WE ROCK!

  5. Yeah for 66. You are doing awesome.
