Tuesday, July 6, 2010

HS Reunion Then and Now

Just for fun I thought I would put up the comparison picture of 1990 to 2010. I think my face is thinner now. I think I am getting better with age and hopefully as I move forward toward my weight loss goals I will start living my best life ever. I can hardly imagine a "skinny" me. That person has just never existed as an adult. Being heavier than most of my peers since I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade has shaped so much of my life. I can't wait for the new me to continue to emerge. I think I am going to like her.


  1. I definitely think you look thinnner---good job!

  2. Wow...20 years and you look younger and thinner! You look great!

  3. You do look thinner! :) yea!!!!

  4. You look great... not many people can say they look younger and thinnier 20 years later... WOW! *Maria*

  5. You look great!! And I agree with everyone you are def thinner! One reason I missed my 10 year last year is because I weighed 85lbs more!!

  6. I totally agree! You look thinner and prettier! Way to go, Cheryl! :)

  7. Hi Cheryl-thanks for coming by my blog. It sure looks like your rockin it as well :)..

